How to Draw a Text Box in Indesign Cs5

Equitable Language: We are replacing non-inclusive language from InDesign 2022 (version 17.0) onwards, to reverberate core Adobe values of inclusivity. Whatsoever reference to Chief page is replaced past Parent page in our Help manufactures for the English, Danish, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian, Portuguese, and Japanese locales.

Create text frames

Text in InDesign resides inside containers called text frames. (A text frame is similar to a text box in QuarkXPress and a text block in Adobe PageMaker.)

There are two types of text frames: frame grids and manifestly text frames. Frame grids are the kind of text frames specific to Asian-language limerick in which grapheme emboxes and spacing are displayed as grids. Empty text frames in which no grid is displayed are patently text frames.

Similar graphics frames, text frames can be moved, resized, and inverse. The tool with which you select a text frame determines the kind of changes you can brand:

  • Employ the Type tool to enter or edit text in a frame.

  • Use the Choice tool for general layout tasks such equally positioning and sizing a frame.

  • Apply the Direct Pick tool to modify a frame's shape.

  • Use the Horizontal Grid tool or the Vertical Filigree toolto create a frame grid.

  • Use the Blazon tool to create a plain text frame for horizontal text, and the Vertical Type tool to create a plain text frame for vertical text. Employ the same tools to edit existing text in a frame.

Text frames can also exist connected to other text frames so that the text in one frame can catamenia into another frame. Frames that are connected in this way are threaded. Text that flows through one or more threaded frames is called a story. When you place (import) a word-processing file, it comes into your certificate as a single story, regardless of the number of frames it may occupy.

Text frames can have multiple columns. Text frames tin can be based on, yet independent of, page columns. In other words, a 2-column text frame can sit on a four-cavalcade page. Text frames can too exist placed on parent pages and still receive text on document pages.

If you use the same blazon of text frame repeatedly, you can create an object style that includes text frame formatting such equally stroke and fill colors, text frame options, and text wrap and transparency furnishings.

When you place or paste text, you don't need to create a text frame; InDesign automatically adds frames based on the page's column settings.

When text is pasted, a evidently text frame is automatically created. You tin likewise create an empty plain text frame manually and input text.

    • Select the Type tool, and and so drag to ascertain the width and top of a new text frame. Hold down Shift equally you elevate to constrain the frame to a square. When you lot release the mouse button, a text insertion bespeak appears in the frame.

    Dragging to create new text frame

    Dragging to create new text frame
    • Using the Choice tool, click the in port or out port of another text frame, and then click or drag to create another frame.

    • Use the Place command to place a text file.

    • Using the Type tool, click inside any empty frame. If the Blazon Tool Converts Frames To Text Frames selection is selected in Type preferences, the empty frame is converted to a text frame.

Move and resize text frames

Use the Selection tool to move or resize text frames.

If y'all desire to motility or resize a text frame without switching from the Type tool to a option tool, concur down Ctrl (Windows) or Control (Mac Os), and then drag the frame.

Move a text frame

  • Using the Pick tool, drag the frame.
  • Using the Type tool, hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) and drag the frame. When you release the key, the Blazon tool is still selected.

Resize a text frame

    • To resize using the Blazon tool, hold downwardly Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac Bone), and drag any frame handle. If you concur down the mouse button for one second earlier you begin dragging, the text volition recompose while you resize the frame.

      Note: If you click the text frame instead of dragging information technology, you'll lose your text selection or insertion point location.

    • To resize using the Pick tool, drag any of the frame handles on the frame'south border. Hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac Bone) to scale the text inside the frame. (See Calibration type.)

    • To quickly fit the frame to its content, use the Option tool to select the text frame, and double-click whatsoever handle. For case, if you double-click the centre bottom handle, the lesser of the frame snaps to the bottom of the text. If you double-click the center right handle, the height is preserved while the width narrows to fill up the frame.

      Tip: Yous can also double-click a handle on an overset text frame to aggrandize the height or width to fit all text in the frame. If a text frame includes more overset text than tin can reasonably fit on the page, the text frame isn't resized.

    Double-click handle to resize text frame

    Double-click handle to resize text frame
    • To fit the text frame to the content, select the frame using the Option tool, and choose Object > Fitting > Fit Frame to Content. The lesser of the text frame fits the contents of the text. If a text frame includes more than overset text than can reasonably fit on the folio, the text frame isn't resized.

    • To resize using the Scale tool, drag to resize the frame. (See Calibration blazon.)

Use text frames on parent pages

When you start a new document, y'all can select the Primary Text Frame choice and so that an empty text frame is placed on the certificate's default parent folio. This frame has the column and margin attributes specified in the New Certificate dialog box.

Follow these guidelines for using text frames on parent pages:

  • Gear up master text frames when you want each folio in your document to incorporate a page-sized text frame into which you can flow or type your text. If your document requires more variation, such as pages with unlike numbers of frames or frames of different lengths, get out the Primary Text Frame option deselected, and use the Blazon tool to create text frames on parents.

  • Whether or not you lot select the Primary Text Frame option, yous can add text frames to a parent page to deed as placeholders. You lot can thread these empty placeholder frames together to plant a flow.

  • Catamenia text into primary text frames using the same procedures you would use with frames created on document pages.

  • If you need to type text in a primary text frame on a document page, hold down Ctrl+Shift (Windows) or Command+Shift (Mac OS) as you click the text frame on the document page. Then click in the frame using the Type tool and begin typing.

  • You tin use Smart Text Reflow to add or remove pages automatically equally you type and edit text. By default, when yous blazon text at the cease of a threaded text frame based on a parent folio, a new page is added, allowing you to continue typing in the new text frame. Y'all tin edit Smart Text Reflow settings.

  • If you change the folio margins, text frames adjust to the new margins only if the Enable Layout Aligning option is selected.

  • Selecting the Primary Text Frame option does non affect whether new pages are added when yous autoflow text.

Change text frame backdrop

Employ Text Frame Options to alter settings such every bit the number of columns in the frame, the vertical alignment of text inside the frame, or the inset spacing, which is the altitude of the margins betwixt the text and the frame.

Before (left) and after (right) setting inset and creating two columns in a text frame

If y'all need to employ the same text frame properties for multiple text frames, create an object manner that you tin can apply to your text frames.

  1. Using the Pick tool , select a frame, or using the Type tool , click inside the text frame or select text.

  2. Choose Object > Text Frame Options, or hold downward Alt (Windows) or Choice (Mac OS) and so double-click the text frame using a selection tool.

  3. Change text frame options, and then click OK.

These text frame options are bachelor when y'all're defining an object manner for text boxes. Run into Object styles.

Add columns to a text frame

You can create columns within a text frame by using the Text Frame Options dialog box.

You cannot create columns of unequal width in a text frame. To create columns of unequal width or peak, add threaded text frames side-by-side on either a document page or a parent page.

  1. Using the Selection tool, select a frame, or using the Type tool, click inside the text frame or select text.

  2. Cull Object > Text Frame Options.

  3. Specify the number of columns, the width of each cavalcade, and the spacing between each column (gutter) for the text frame.

  4. (Optional) Select Stock-still Column Width to maintain column width when you resize the frame. If this option is selected, resizing the frame can change the number of columns, only not their width.

    Fixed column width

    A. Original 2‑column text frameB. Resized with Fixed Column Width deselected (however ii columns)C. Resized with Stock-still Column Width selected (4 columns)

  5. (Optional) Select Balanced Columns to make text even at the bottom of a multi-cavalcade text frame.

    Before and after balancing columns

    Before and after balancing columns

Change text frame inset spacing (margins)

  1. Using the Selection tool, select a frame, or using the Type tool, click inside the text frame or select text.

  2. Choose Object > Text Frame Options.

  3. In the Inset Spacing section on the General tab, blazon the offset distances you lot want for Summit, Left, Bottom, and Right. (Click the Brand All Settings The Aforementioned icon to use the same spacing on all sides.)

If the frame yous've selected has a non-rectangular shape, the Top, Left, Bottom, and Right options are dimmed, and an Inset option is bachelor instead.

First baseline offset options

To alter the start baseline options of a selected text frame, cull Object > Text Frame Options, and click the Baseline Options tab. The following options appear in the Offset menu under Starting time Baseline:


The peak of the "d" character in the font falls below the top inset of the text frame.

Cap Height

The height of capital letter messages affect the top inset of the text frame.


Use the text's leading value as the distance betwixt the baseline of the start line of text and the top inset of the frame.

Ten Height

The pinnacle of the "x" graphic symbol in the font falls below the top inset of the frame.


Specify the distance between the baseline of the showtime line of text and the top inset of the frame.


Select a minimum value for the baseline start. For example, if Leading is selected and you lot specify a minimum value of 1p, InDesign uses the leading value but when information technology'due south greater than i pica.

If y'all desire to snap the elevation of the text frame to a grid, choose either Leading or Fixed so that you lot tin can control the location of the first baseline of text in text frames.

Set baseline grids for a text frame

In some cases, yous might want to employ a baseline grid for a frame rather than for the unabridged certificate. Utilize the Text Frame Options dialog box to apply a baseline filigree to a text frame. When y'all set upwards a baseline grid for a text frame, annotation the following:

  • The document baseline grid doesn't appear behind or in front of text frames that use their own baseline grids.
  • If Grids In Dorsum is selected in Grids Preferences, so frame-based baseline grids take precedence over document-based baseline grids. If Grids In Back is not selected, then certificate-based baseline grids take precedence over frame-based baseline grids.
  1. Choose View > Grids & Guides > Show Baseline Grid to display all baseline grids, including those in a text frame.

  2. Select the text frame or place the insertion in a text frame, and then cull Object > Text Frame Options.

    If you want the baseline filigree to employ to all frames in a thread (even if i or more threaded frames do not include text), place the insertion point in text, choose Edit > Select All, and and then apply the baseline filigree settings in the Text Frame Options dialog box.

  3. Click the Baseline Options tab.

  4. Nether Baseline Grid, select Employ Custom Baseline Grid, and practise any of the following:


    Type a value to showtime the grid from the height of the folio, the top margin of the folio, the top of the frame, or the meridian inset of the frame, depending on what you choose from the Relative To carte du jour.

    Relative To

    Specify whether you desire the baseline filigree to brainstorm relative to the top of the folio, the top margin of the folio, the top of the text frame, or the top of the text frame inset.

    Increment Every

    Type a value for the spacing between filigree lines. In most cases, type a value that equals your body text leading, so that lines of text align perfectly to the grid.


    Select a color for the grid lines, or choose (Layer Colour) to utilise the same color equally the layer on which the text frame appears.

If you tin't see the baseline grid in a text frame, cull View > Grids & Guides > Show Baseline Grid to make sure that baseline grids aren't hidden. If the baseline grid nonetheless doesn't appear, check the threshold for viewing baseline grids in the Grids section of the Preferences dialog box. To see the grid, you lot might need to zoom in on the frame or reduce the threshold level.

Decide give-and-take and character counts

  1. Place the insertion point in a text frame to view counts for the entire thread of frames (the story), or select text to view counts only for the selected text.

  2. Choose Window > Info to brandish the Info panel.

The Info panel displays the number of characters, words, lines, and paragraphs in a text frame. The position of the insertion point within the text frame also appears.

Working with boosted languages

You tin assign languages to different text. Assigning the appropriate linguistic communication to text is particularly useful for spell-checking and hyphenating. (See Assign a linguistic communication to text.)

If you need to piece of work with Asian text, special versions of InDesign are available for Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean. These versions allow you create layout grids and frame grids for composing multibyte characters, and they include a number of features for formatting multibyte text, along with additional fonts.

Similarly, a special version of InDesign is bachelor for formatting Middle Eastern languages, such as Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi, and Urdu, that use right-to-left text formatting. This version is called InDesign ME.

For more data on purchasing InDesign ME or an Asian-linguistic communication version of InDesign, see the Adobe website.



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