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Fundamental Human Resource Management 7th Edition Chapter 2

This book provides a comprehensive explanation of the essential concepts and techniques for effective management of people and their jobs. The book provide a clear, authoritative, well articulated and discussion of human resource management as it used in various organizations. The overall book setting provides a logical and systematic arrangement through various activities involved in human resource management. Specifically, this book contributes the following to the human resource management • It provides a strategic perception of human resource management. In other words, it provides a strategic road map for human resource practitioners who are fulfilling their daily duties. • It gives a conceptual basis for a human resource practitioner to make decision about people and their jobs in the organization. • It provides a comprehensive coverage of critical aspects and concepts for practitioners in human resource management • It provides practical solutions and strategies to common problems and challenges encountered in human resource management. The practical implications in each chapter address the practical challenges encountered in managing human resources. Furthermore, the book provides different case studies with different situations to create a deeper practical understanding of key issues in human resource management. The cases also address the steps and solution taken by human resource practitioners to deal with the underlying problems and challenges. • It provides an International and global perspective in cases and illustrations. The book has collected information for different practices implemented around the world so as to broaden the readers' topic on key issues in managing employees and their jobs. • It is balance in the presentation of different aspects of human resource management. This implies that a balance between theories and the actual practice of human resource management. The book has managed to bridge the gap so it is easy to put the theories into practice.

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© Ndalahwa Musa Masanja, 2019

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Ndalahwa Musa Masanja

Human Resource management / Ndalahwa Musa Masanja. 1st ed.

p. cm.

ISBN (pbk.)

1. Human Resource management. I. Ndalahwa Musa Masanja.

TS155.S562 2010

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Typeset in 10/12pt Calibri (body) by 12

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Human resource is important due to the fact that it is concerned with people creating products

and services for the organization. All organization offer products and services whether the

organization is small medium or large. This is applicable for profit and not-for profit

organizations as well. As a result, organizations have understood the importance of human

resources. This is because human resource is a critical production factor to fulfilling the goals

and objectives of the organization. These are individuals who perform their daily activities to

ensure the organizations fulfill its desired goals and objectives.

Human resource management is a complex and existing area of study. This is because it

requires dealing with people who have their own behavior, attitude, temperament and

perception. In this case, it requires a lot of care and tactfulness to ensure that the employees

perform at their best. Some of the critical area on resource management includes creating

policies and systems to management people in the organization. In regard to this matter,

human resource management creates the employee benefit design, employee recruitment,

training and development, performance evaluation and appraisals and management of rewards

to incentivize employees. These incentives include bonuses and other benefits determined by

the organization. In this era, human resource management has taken a step further to include

managing organizational change and industrial relations. It even involves creating balance

between organizational practices with requirement resulting from collecting bargaining with

employees and government rules and regulations.

The major intention of human resources is to meet predetermined organizational goals and

objective though people. This human resource process includes managing human capital with

the sole purpose of implementing policies and processes. This is a daunting task since balancing

the act of implementing policies and processes is not as easy as it might appear. Therefore, it is

important to acquire the necessary skills and expertise in dealing with human resources in the


The Aim of this Book

This book provides a comprehensive explanation of the essential concepts and techniques for

effective management of people and their jobs. The book provide a clear, authoritative, well

articulated and discussion of human resource management as it used in various organizations.

The overall book setting provides a logical and systematic arrangement through various

activities involved in human resource management. Specifically, this book contributes the

following to the human resource management


It provides a strategic perception of human resource management. In other words, it

provides a strategic roadmap for human resource practitioners who are fulfilling their

daily duties.

It gives a conceptual basis for a human resource practitioner to make decision about

people and their jobs in the organization.

It provide a comprehensive coverage of critical aspects and concepts for practitioners in

human resource management

It provides practical solutions and strategies to common problems and challenges

encountered in human resource management. The practical implications in each

chapter address the practical challenges encountered in managing human resources.

Furthermore, the book provides different case studies with different situations to create

a deeper practical understanding of key issues in human resource management. The

cases also address the steps and solution taken by human resource practitioners to deal

with the underlying problems and challenges.

It provides an International and global perspective in cases and illustrations. The book

has collected information for different practices implemented around the world so as to

broaden the readers' topic on key issues in managing employees and their jobs.

It is balance in the presentation of different aspects of human resource management.

This implies that a balance between theories and the actual practice of human resource

management. The book has managed to bridge the gap so it is easy to put the theories

into practice.

The Readers of this Book

The targeted readers are anyone who is interested to acquire knowledge and practical skills to

manage human resource and their jobs. Specifically, this book is intended for the following


Undergraduate students who are pursuing human resource management as an area of

specialization and need to understand the theoretical and practical aspect of dealing

with people.

Graduate students should find the practical discussion of human resource management

activities will enhance their own experience on the subject.

Human resource practitioners and other specialist should find it beneficial since it

provides them with a comprehensive approach to the subject.


Distinctive Features of this Book

This book provides distinctive features which bridges the gap between theories and practices of

human resource management. The following are the distinct features found in the book.

The structure of this book applies part in human resource management which are

subcategories into job information and organization, acquisition of human resources,

training and development, maintenance or retention of workers, and utilization of

workers. These are five distinctive areas of human resource activities.

The book is illustration based. This is due to the fact that human resource management

is a practical subject and cannot be taught adequately in a typical theoretical manner.

Due to this fact, the book has applied examples and case studies which describe some

critical scenarios and issues in real life of a human resource practitioner.

Every chapter has practical implications of the topic under discussion to cement theories

and practical aspect of the topic. A reader can rely on this area to acquire practical skills

to apply in human resource management.

There is a summary of answers to key questions in human resource management. Each

chapter is summarized in the form of a list of bullet points. These extract are important

point which answer the key questions asked at the beginning of every chapter.

Every chapter includes a case study which is relevant and appropriate for the topic

under discussion. The cases are short and adequate enough to provide as a practical

illustrations, however are comprehensive to gain some practical lesson for practitioners.



Dr. Ndalahwa M. Masanja is a lecturer of Management and Accounting at the University of

Arusha. He has been teaching at several higher education institution including Jomo Kenyatta

University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT Arusha Campus), Training Center for

Development Cooperation (MS-TCDC), and Institute of Accountancy (IAA) in Arusha and Dar-es-

salaam. He has been teaching undergraduate and graduate programs at those institutions. He

has been supervising graduate students pursuing the dissertation or thesis research.

He worked initially as an Accountant in a secondary school and then as a Business Manager of a

company located in Arusha. He has worked in the United Stated of America (USA) as an

Accountant and working in different capacity in a printing press, publishing house, logistic

company and the food industry like Pizza hut Michigan. The diverse working environment

provides substantial experience about human resources in relation to their jobs. In this case,

the author is able to provide a diverse perspective of human resource management.

He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting and Management and a

Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Accounting from the University of Eastern Africa

Baraton (UEAB) in Kenya. Furthermore, He has a doctoral degree (PhD) from Andrews

University in United States of America (USA). At the same time, he has attended multiple

seminars and workshops in research, education and business administration. The author's

formal and informal training provides a deep insight about human resource management in

academics as well as in the industry.

He is the author of several books and papers in accounting, management, research and

education. Some of the his books include Introduction to Business Research, A practical guide to

dissertation and thesis writing, Essentials in higher education administration and a Job

Evaluation for workbook for students pursuing human resource management. In addition, He is

the founding editor of the International Journal of Innovation in Education and Business (IJIEB) a

bi- annual peer review journal publishing innovative articles in business and education.

He has been serving in the administrative and governing boards of institutions in secondary

school and higher learning institutions. He undertakes consultancy in a diverse range of

industries including health, education and research. His wealth of experience has a significant

contribution to the completions of this book.



First and foremost, I would like to extend my gratitude toward my family especially my wife

Alice for the moral support toward the completion of this book. She has been instrumental

toward the success of this endeavor.

During the preparation of this book, the author conducted several workshops and the many

useful comments and feedback from these sessions have impacted the final preparation of this

book. My gratitude and appreciation goes to everyone who attended these sessions and other


My academic colleagues in human resource management at our institution have provided

significant assistance and contribution toward the completion of this book. I would also

acknowledge all those who participated in one way or another to ensure the review and

completion of this book.

The Techniques of Job Design

Human Resource Management


Practical Implications of job design

Importance of HR Management

Summary Answers to key questions

The need for HR Management

Distinguishing attributes of personnel

and human resource management

Factors affecting HR Management

Scope of Human resource management

The purpose of job evaluation

Challenges of Hr management

The process of job evaluation

The methods of job evaluation

Summary Answers to Key Questions

Features of Job Evaluation

criteria of job evaluation

Advantages and disadvantages


Challenges of job evaluation

Practical implications of JE

Case Study: Timaya Companies

The Purpose of Job Analysis

The Process of Job Analysis

The tools of Job Analysis


The Procedures of Job Analysis

The Steps to Conduct Job Analysis

The Purpose of HR Planning

Factors affecting HR planning

The practical problems in Job Analysis

The process of HR planning

The Important Criteria in Job Analysis

Forecasting Techniques in HR


Practical Implications of Job Analysis

HR planning implementation

Summary Answers to Key questions

Requisite for HR planning

Case Study: Rafiki Corporation

Strategic HR planning model

Practical Implications of HR


Summary Answers to key questions

The Purpose of Job Design

Case study: Umoja Transports

Factors affecting Job Design

The purpose of recruitment

How to attract potential applicants

Orientation responsibilities

how to recruit excellent employees

Qualities of potential applicants

Challenges in recruitment

Challenges of orientation

Practical implications in recruitment

Strategies for effective orientation

Practical implications of orientation

Summary answers to key questions

Case study: Masanja Graphics

Purpose of Screening and Selection

Requirement for selection

Factors affecting selection

Designing Training programs

Practical Implications of Selection

Delivery method of Training

Summary answers to Key questions

Practical implications of training

Case Study: Rista Industries

Summary answers to key questions

Case study; Ristam Records

Human Resource Development

Determining HR development needs

Hiring policy and procedures

Methods to HR development

Factors affecting HR development

Challenges in HR development

Practical Implications of development

Summary answers to key questions

Practical implications to hiring

Case study: Dismo Multimedia

Summary answers to key questions

Case study: Tanzania tourism

Practical implications of evaluation

Purpose of career planning

Summary answers to key questions

factors affecting career planning

Grievances and Complaints (GC)

challenges in career planning

Purpose of grievances and complaints

Practical implication to career plan

Causes of grievances and complaints

summary answers to key questions

Common grievances and complaints

case study: Stiamco Manufacturers

Complaints management framework

Solutions to grievances and complaints


Practical implications of evaluation

Summary answers to key questions

Case study: Timpson Repairs

Purpose of health and safety

Issues in health and safety

indicators of good compensation

Challenges on health and safety

Determinants of compensation

Practical Implications for HS

Effective compensation strategies

Summary answers to key questions

Case study: Ricardo Foods

Summary answers to key questions

Case study: TanRecruiters

Performance Evaluation (PE)

Factors causing Separation

Purpose of performance evaluation

Procedures for Separation

Practical Implications for separation

Summary answers to key questions

Criteria for performance evaluation

Case study: Ricardo Foods

Process of performance evaluation

Labor Management Relations (LMS)

Classification of transfer

Issues in labor management relations

Practical implications in labor relations

Strategies for effective transfers

Summary answers to key questions

Practical Implications in transfers

summary answer to key questions

Case study: Government entity

Procedures for discipline

Challenges in Termination

Indicators of effective discipline

Procedures for Termination

Strategies for effective Termination

Practical Implications for


Disciplinary problem prevention

Practical implications of discipline

Summary answers to key questions

Case study: Bora Practitioners

Purpose of promotion and demotion

Causes of promotion and demotions

issues in promotion and demotions

Promotion and demotion procedures

Promotion and demotion challenges

Practical Implication to motivation

Summary answers to key questions

Summary answers to key questions

Case study: Ujumbe Church

Case study: Anata Tailors

Traits of good leadership

Practical Implication of leadership

Summary answers to key questions

Case study: Tima real estate agency






The following are the objectives

for this chapter in the book

1. Define human resource


2. Understand the importance

and necessity of studying

human resource


3. Identify the factors affecting

human resource


4. Discuss the challenges facing

human resource


5. Comprehend a practical

approach to human resource


6. Understand the modern

trends in human resource

management in this new era

7. To solve a practical case so

as to help human resource

practitioners who are new in

the industry.

8. Summarize key answers to

question in human resource




Human resource management refers to the process of dealing with human resources which

includes acquisition, training and development, retention and maintenance of workers and

utilization of people or workers to achieve predetermined organizational goals. In other words,

human resource management is a specialized field of business which deals with developing

programs, policies and activities for the organizations and it workers to satisfy them both.


Human resource management has the following benefits to both employees and the

organizations as a whole. The following are the benefits of human resource management in an


1. It deals with the employees of the organization to ensure that all their needs to increase

effectiveness and productivity of the work to organization

2. It creates a good working condition and environment for workers so they can perform at

their best to meet predetermined organizational goals and objectives.

3. It helps employees work as a team and reduces conflicts among employees to improve

operational efficiencies in organization.

4. It simplifies the whole activity of dealing with employees and streamlines all activities

performed by the employees in the organization.

5. It foresees all activities executed by all employees in the organizations to ensure that

they are according to the organizations and government policy, rules and regulations.


Most of the organizations have realized the need and necessity of human resource

management in the organization. The survival of the organization depends entirely on the

human resources available to work and complete the related task in effort to meet

predetermined goals and objectives. In these times, the important of human resources is of

great essence to the survival and sustenance of an organization. Specifically human resource

management is needed for good employee relationships. It is also needed for developing and

creating organizational commitment of human resource with the sole objective to increase

productivity and efficiency. Moreover, human resource management is required for the

changing nature of the workforce or human resources available in the organization. It is

possible through human resource management to adapt to different changes in the industry.


Ultimately and most importantly, human resource management creates a better understanding

between management and employees in the organization. Human resource management

creates a link between the two parties so they can work in harmony.


The following are the distinguishing attributes between personnel and human resource

management to the organization.



Rank and file together with

middle level management

Deals with all full timers, part-

timers and flexy timers

Supervise people working in a

formal office place only

Supervise people in both

formal and informal setting in

the workplace (those in the

premise and not in the


It involves handling a few and

simple things about the

personal information workers

including curriculum vitae.

It handles complex and varied

activities which includes

acquisition, training and

development, maintenance or

retention, and utilization of


The head of the Department

Accomplish organizational

goals including generating

revenue, profits, or any

predetermined organizational

purpose or objective

Accomplish both

organizational and employee

goals so as to create a win

situation for the employees

and the organization

The technology applied is

structured, inflexible and

organizational oriented

The technology applied is

innovative, flexible,

participative and involves

quality circle



There are factors which affect the satisfaction of employees in the organization and there are

some which cause dissatisfaction. The following factors can be the determinant of employee

satisfaction of dissatisfaction in the organization. The factors are subdivided into two

categories. These are internal and external factors which affect human resource management

in the organization.


The first category is internal factors which refer to all the factors within the control of the

organizations. These are factors which the organization has influence over. The organizations

via management can alter these factors to enhance satisfaction among employees. The

following are the detailed description of the internal factors affecting human resource


1. Organizational goals and objectives should serve the interest of the organization and the

workers. The goals might include expanding the operations of the business, increasing

revenues and maximizing profits or even fulfilling social responsibilities to the

employees and the community at large.

2. Organizational policies which are broad guidelines that provide guidance and direction

for employees working the organization. These policies are should be pro-employees to

ensure and promote the smooth execution of duties and responsibilities of the

employees. This involves the active participation of the employees in the creating and

implementation of organizational policies.

3. Organizational climate refers to creating a favorable working relationship for the

employees in the organization. Organizational climate might be closed or cold and open

or warm working environment. In a cold or closed working environment, there is limited

freedom of communication between top management and other levels in the

organization. It lacks openness and adequate communication among employees in the

organizations. Normally, closed or cold working environment is less conducive for

employees working in the organization. On the other hand, open or warm working

environment encourages and promote communication with the workers and the

administration of the organization. It is usually considered a favorable environment for

employees in the organization.

Organizational climate has the following components

i. Working climate which includes the physical, economic, political, technological,

social situation in the organization. All these elements create a favorable or

unfavorable working climate for employees in the organization.


ii. Communication is another key component in organization climate. It refers to

the transmission of messages between workers and management in the

organization. This communication can be either downward (top to bottom)

which implies from management to employees or upward (Bottom to top) where

by employees communication with the management in the organization. It might

even be sideward communication whereby it involves the communication

between employees in the same level.

iii. Motivation techniques involve influencing the inner feeling of employees to

promote productivity to meet organizational goals and objectives. It is the whole

endeavor of improving the employees' moral to enhance their commitment

toward the success of the organization. Motivation accomplished through

compensation and rewards, discipline, promotions and demotions and transfers.

It might also include creating a favorable and conducive environment for work.

iv. Leadership styles become another critical area to create a conducive

organizational climate for employees. A leadership style which is tactful with

employees creates a favorable environment for employees in the organization.


The external factors involve all those variables or components which affect human resources

management which are beyond the control of the organizations. These are factors which affect

human resources outside the organization. The following are a detailed explanation of the

external factors associated with human resource management.

1. Economic conditions are a key area which affects human resource management.

When the economy is booming, it is relatively difficult to recruit qualified employees

for the organization. In case of slow economic growth, then it is relatively easier to

recruit workers for the organization. This is due to the fact that workers are available

as a result of high unemployment.

2. Political conditions are another factor which affects human resource management.

When the political system is stable and conducive for workers, the employees are

happy and exposed to a warm and open working environment. When the political

condition is uncertain and unfavorable, employees are anxious and are not satisfied

with their jobs.

3. Technological environment has a significant influence on human resources

management. The use of technology might simply the work of employees and

therefore they will produce more and as a result motivated. On the contrary, the


workplace will less technological advances for workers create and environment

which is less conducive for employees to work.

4. Competition from other organizations affects human resource management. Every

organization is competing to recruit the best and qualified candidates for the job so

as to have a competitive advantage or edge against the rest of the competitors. As a

result, this process affects the human resource efforts of the organization.

5. Shareholders or owners are considered as an influence from the external

environment. There is a conflict of interest between the owners who might be the

shareholders and the management of the organization. Due the fact that the

shareholders have contributed and invested funds in the organization, they might

sometimes challenge the human resource programs developed and implemented by

the management of the organization. In these situations, management will be forced

to justify the rationale of the human resource programs implemented in the


6. Customers have a influence on the organization by demanding high goods and

services from the organization. In turn, the organization is forced to recruit and

provide appropriate training to their workers to meet the expectation and demands

of the customers. Therefore, customers have a direct and indirect influence over

human resource management in the organization.

7. Labor union which is an organization to defend the rights of the employees has

external influence on human resource management in the organization. Normally a

union is a group of employees who have come together for the sole purpose to fight

for their rights. These rights might be better compensation, health and safety

regulations. In this case, they usually exert a lot of pressure to human resource

management to fulfill their demands.


Human resources are obviously the main resource in any organization. They are the most

complicated resource to manage. In other words, the objective of human resource

management is to assess the needs of the organizations and provide the employees to perform

the required work in the organization. At the same time, to retain the employee so as to reduce

the number of employee turnover that has detrimental effects to the prosperity of the

organization. In this case, it is important for management to develop and implement policies,

procedures and programs to manage the human resources in the organization. It involves the

whole endeavor of managing employees' knowledge, skills, creativity, abilities and talents and

maximizing the usage for the benefit of the employees and organization.


Human resource is more than just maximizing the use of human resources, it also focuses on

managing physical and psychological capital of workers. Human resource management takes

into consideration the intricacies involved in human resources. For this reason, the scope of

human resource management is increasing every day. Human resource scope covers the

acquisition, training, retaining and maximization of human resources. Furthermore, it develops

and manages the symbiotic relationship at the workplace and as a result strikes a balance

between organizational goals and individual employees goals. This is not an easy goal to be

achieved. It requires specific knowledge, experience, skills and techniques.

The scope of human resource management is comprehensive and extensive in nature and

therefore, it might be difficult to define the coverage. However, these are the critical areas

which cover the scope of human resource management

1. Acquisition of human resource is the first part of the scope. This involves human

resource planning to determine the demand versus the supply of human resources in

the organization. It involves the recruitment efforts, screening and selection process,

and hiring the employees in the organization.

2. Training and development is the second part of the scope. This stage involves providing

orientation so as to provide the basic training so the employee can perform their duties

and responsibilities in the organization. This process includes continuous training and

development which include mentoring and couching of employees in their different

roles so they can acquire mastery and competencies. It also involves career planning

provide a clear career path of employees to grow and excel in the organization.

3. Retaining employees in the third part in the scope. This stage involves providing all

necessary requirements with the sole objective to retain employees in the organization.

This scope includes compensation, performance evaluation and appraisals, promotion,

transfers, discipline, demotions, labor management relations, health and safety.

4. Maximization of the utilization of human resources. This stage involves providing

leadership to motivate employees to work effectively and efficiently. In this case, there

should be appropriate leadership skills and techniques inspiring the workers in the

organization. In addition, motivation should be properly applied to increase productivity

among employees in the organization.


From a practical standpoint, a human resource manager can apply certain practical approaches

to implement the scope of human resource management in the organization. This involves

acquisition of human resource in the organization. Once acquisition of human resources is


completed, then training and development will follow. Afterwards, efforts should be placed in

retaining the employees in the organization. Finally, maximization of human resource is also



Human resource management has several critical processes to accomplish the goals and

objectives of the organization. It is the sole responsibilities of the human resource officer or

manager to ensure that all goals and objectives are fulfilled to the fullest. In this case, there are

important processes in human resource management which need to be considered. The

following are the necessary process in human resource management in the organization.

1. Human resource planning is the first and foremost process to be considered in human

resource management. It normally involves the planning stage of all the activities and

human resources of the organization. It requires determining the human resource needs

in the future and providing a clear roadmap for human resource in the organization. This

process involves human resource recruitment, selection, hiring, orientation or induction,

training, evaluation, promotion or even termination.

2. Employee remuneration and benefit administration as the second process in human

resource management. At this stage, the human resource officer or manager creates a










and Induction







Evaluation and









Health and










compensation package which motivates employees or workers to perform their duties

as required. This is the stage of administering benefits and bonuses to different workers

at various levels. It is normally considered a critical strategy to retain workers in the


3. Performance management is the third process in human resource management. This

process involves performance evaluation or appraisal. This stage provides a significant

opportunity for performance improvements, promotion, transfer, further training or

even disciplinary actions like suspension and termination. In simpler terms, it is a

technique applied to human source management to training, motivate and reward

employees appropriately according to the performance. It provides also an opportunity

for employees to assess their performance and take correction measure to improve

their performance. As a result, it is a process which increases the productivity,

effectiveness and efficiency of workers in the organization.

4. Employee relations are the last process which emphasizes a health relationship in the

organization. These relations can be either workers to other workers, or workers and

management. Employee relationship includes labor management relations, working

environment and culture, employee health and safety, conflict and grievance

management, employees' compensation and other critical areas in relation to human

resource management.


From a practical perspective, human resource process involves the process of human resource

planning, recruitment, hiring, training and development and employee training.









From a practical point of view, a human resource manager or officer should create and develop

a comprehensive plan for human resources in the organizations. Afterwards, he or she should

dedicate efforts to recruit the best applicants for specific jobs. this will assist in hiring the best

candidates for the job. After hiring, then training and development should be emphasized.

Finally, the human resource officer should strive to maintain and retain the employees since

employee turnover is not good for the organization.


In this dire age, the role of the human resource manager has been evolving. The role has moved

from serving the interest of the organization to serving the interest of both the organization

and employees as well. In this scenario, the human resource manager creates a win-win

situation for both parties since these circumstances are imperative for the survival and

prosperity of the organization. The following are the modern roles of a human resource

management in this generation.

1. A human resource manager executes a set of activities to manage the human resources

in the organization. In light of these duties, a human resource manager is requires to

plan, recruit, hire and train employees in the organization. At the same time, a human

resource manger should be a liaison between management and the employees in the

organization. Furthermore, the human resource manager should provide all necessary

requirements to human resource so they can perform at their best. This includes

providing compensation packages, health and safety issues and other critical services to

human resources in the organization.

2. A human resource manager has the sole responsibility to develop the skills, competence

and capacity of the employees in the organization. It is the duty of the human resource

manager to advice on duties and responsibilities to employees. This will in turn improve

the overall performance of employees in the organization.

3. A human resource manager should manage the career plan and development of all

employees in the organization. The human resource manager should have a concise and

clear plan to improve the career prospects of all employees. This is a method and

strategy to motivate and retain employees in the organization.

4. A human resource manager should adapt to sustainable methods and strategies to

maintain the level of motivation among employees. It is the sole responsibility of the

human resource manager to create a conducive working environment and culture so as

to motivate the employees. This can be accomplished by advising management to adopt

certain important aspects in human resource management as a key feature to improve

the working environment and culture in the organization.



The practical role of a human resource manager has been evolving in the organization. The role

of human resource officer or manager has changed according to the management specification

and the competence of the human resource manager. In this case, the role has been expanding

in most organizations while some have restricted and constrained their overall role, duties and

responsibilities. However, the practical role of human resource management is administrative

in nature, operational and strategic at the same time. In other words, this implies that a human

resource manager performs administrative work which is part and parcel of the management

body of an organization. At the same time, a human resource management acts as an

operational manager supervising and managing all employees under his or her jurisdiction

depending on the organization. Ultimately, a human resource manager is expected to

participate in strategic planning of human resources in the organization. Since human resources

are an instrumental tool to meet predetermined organizational goals and objectives, it is

necessary for the human resource manager to participate in strategic planning and execution in

the organization.

From a practical point of view, a human resource manager should create a human resource

plan identifying all necessary requirements for human resources in the organizations. The same

human resource manager or officer is expected and obligated to implement the human

resource plan. Finally, the human resource manager is expected and responsible to take

corrective actions and measures wherever deemed necessary in human resource activities and

responsibilities. The diagram below illustrates the practical role of human resource

management in this era.












In the present era, human resource management is an industry which has experienced drastic

changes. There are several innovation that have revolutionized the industry. This is due to the

fact that there are new technologies, ways and technical data which have been integrated to

transform human resource management in the organization.

The emerging trend has reshaped and redefined role of human resource officer to work both

for the management and employees in the organization. This has made it possible for human

resource officers to maintain highly competent employees and maximize their productivity in

the organization. The following are common trends which are transforming and revolutionizing

the human resource management industry.

1. Artificial intelligence: human resource officers are relying on artificial intelligence to

make decision about critical and complicated issues in human resource management.

2. Intelligent learning software which aid human resource management activities

especially important issue about human resources in the organization.

3. Changes in recruitment process whereby employers and organization rely on external

recruiters. Most organizations are depending on recruitment agencies to attract the

best pool of prospective employees to join different organizations.

4. Reliance on contractual or temporary employees to fill the vacancies in the

organizations. Part-time jobs are becoming the norms of the human resource industry.

Organizations are avoiding hiring permanent workers to perform daily activities in the

organization. This trend has drastically increased in the developed countries like USA

and UK.

5. Changes in the global economy and the economic environment have forced

organizations to adapt to the different changing nature of human resources. In this case,

organizations through their human resource officers are supposed to adapt to those

changes. Since changes are inevitable, it is imperative for human resource officers to

assist their organizations to adapt to those changes.

6. The appointment of the alternative or contingent workforce. This is managed through

contingent workforce management systems or even gig work networks.

7. A paradigm shift from automation to productivity process of human resources. This

includes the integration of human resource record keeping, resume capturing,

performance evaluation and appraisals, compensation, interviews, recruitment, hiring

and other related areas in human resource management.



This digital and technological era have professionally and technically transformed the

concentration from employee engagement to employee experiences in the organization. This

implies that human resource officers are shifting their emphasis on the core functions and

dimensions such as organizational culture, engagement and employees performance toward

employees' experience. Specifically, the following are critical areas of focus on employees

experience in the organization.

1. Determine the employees career path and map in order to maximize their performance

in their respective work areas and the organization at large

2. The organizations through the human resource officer will emphasize the use of

employee fitness app, feedback tools, productive techniques and advance

communications technologies as a means to increase employees productivity, efficiency

and effectiveness.

3. Mobile applications which help comprehend and support the advancement of

employees' experiences in the organization.

4. The rise of people or human resource analytics Is another trend in human resource

management. These days, organizations are shifting office data to advance people

analytics. This means organizations are shifting from reporting through the dashboards

to more predictive models of human resource management. Specifically, organizations

are purchasing analytic software and applications from various human resource

platform creators.


The following are common and key trends in human resource management in this era of

technological advancement.

1. Human resource management involves designing and creating working experiences for

employees in the organization. This includes changes in organizational culture and

engagement which in turns affects performance, loyalty and retention among


2. Human resource management provides employees a new flexible way of working.

Specifically, this includes flex office, home office, nomadism to cope with changing

habits and needs of the current employees. This involves new workplaces created

around the normal workplace norms and traditions.


3. Human resource management reaches new heights with the management of the office.

This encourages happy officers and managers who promote a warm working

environment and condition for all employees in the organization.

4. Human resource management should embrace the rise of freelance activities among the

human resources. The numbers of freelancing jobs are increasing and they are taking

over the normal and traditional working habits and norms.

5. Human resource management should create an on-going dialogue with feedback and

micro learning among employees in the organization. This includes 360 degree feedback

and on-going feedback mechanism to assist in professional and career development for


6. Human resource management provides learning as a service and not a privilege. These

services empower each employee to make decision about their training programs and to

share their knowledge and experience.

7. Human resource should cooperate with employees' networks for effective sourcing and

recruitment efforts. Co-optation allows pre-selection of sourced profiles and make

recruitment more efficient through the power of sourcing agents.

8. Human resource management promotes diverse profiles of employees and candidate

journeys. The comprehension of diverse clients requires diverse employees and

candidates that know their needs in the recruitment process and through their career

development in the organization.

9. Human resource management should make everyone a executive officer with better

human resources through the application of artificial intelligence and data. It is

convenient to use available data to make appropriate decision of human resources.

these decision can be accurate, reliable and consistent in nature. At the same time, the

decisions are made autonomously and objectively.

10. Human resource management should develop complementary mobile applications

computer software and repository sites for human resources. These applications will

increase productivity, efficiency and effectiveness in the organization.


It is obvious that in any industry is confronted by several challenges that need to be solved or

overcome. This experience is similar to human resource management. The following is the

discussion of challenges facing human resource management in any organization.

1. Global completion is a definite challenge facing human resource management.

These challenges include how to retain the best and competent workers in

organizations especially Multinational corporations (MNCs). It is imperative for any


human resource manager to understand the global demand for best worker and the

change in skills to meet those demands. This is a significant challenge confronting

human resource management in this dire age.

2. Changing workplace demographics. The composition of the workforce is changing

drastically. The workforce is younger and diverse in nature. Currently, most

managers are young compared to several decades ago. In these changing

demographics, even the mind set is different and their worldview has changed. This

poses a set of know challenges facing human resource management. It is important

for human resource management to understand these changes in demographics and

adapt their methods and strategies to meet those changes.

3. Altering nature of the economy is another potential challenge facing human

resource management. The global economy cannot sustain permanent employment

and as a result there is propagation to temporal jobs or part time employment. All

these pose a significant challenge for human resource management to device

methods and strategies to keep up with the changing nature of the economy. To

meet these challenges is not an easy responsibility.

4. Meeting employees' expectation is another daunting task for human resource

management. The employees always demand more in terms of rights and benefits.

Specifically, employees will always demand higher compensation, benefits, and

conducive working environment. To meet these demands is difficult and therefore

management of human resource should always deal with these challenges head on.

5. Changing nature of human resource management skills and techniques provide a

challenge for those managing employees. There is continuous change in the industry

and these changes forces management to adapt to multiple human resource

practices to meet the rising demand in the human resource industry.


For the field of human resource management, there is a shift from human resource

management to strategic human resource management. As a matter of fact, strategic human

resource management has been gain prominence in organizations. Today, students and

practitioners are focusing the efforts in strategic human resource management. This subject

has captured the attention many practitioners and scholars in organizations locally and globally.

So what his strategic human resource management? What are the underlying differences

between human resource management and strategic human resource management? What

qualities are identified with human resource management? What are the unique and basic

characteristics of human resource management? Why organizations are shifting from human


resource management to strategic human resource management? To answer these provocative

questions, it is important to understand the underlying definition of strategic human resource

management and the basic concepts about it.

Strategic human resource management provides a link between goals and objectives of the

organizations and the strategies implemented to achieve those goals and objectives. In other

words, strategic human resource management involves providing a comprehensive strategic

plan to achieve the predetermined goals and objectives of a department, organizations or a

business. In this case, strategic human resource management is more complex and complicated

compared to human resource management. This is due to the fact that it involves

implementable strategies to meet human resource goals with the sole objective to meet

organizational predetermined targets.

The main purpose of strategic human resource management is to provide flexibility, innovation

and competitive advantages in human resource operations and activities in the organization. In

addition to this, strategic human resource management fosters and facilitates a fit of improve

organizational culture so as to meet goals and objectives of the organization. This implies that

strategic human resource management deals with creating a favorable working environment

with a suitable organizational culture with the sole aim to meet human resource management

targets and objectives. Ultimately, strategic human resource management improves business

performance with implementable strategies to meet organizational expectations.

In order to meet strategic goals of human resource management, the human resource officer

should play a critical role as a strategic partner with management by creating policies, rules and

regulations. These policies, rules and regulations should be in harmony with the goals and

objectives of the organizations. The intention of these policies, rules and regulations is to

provide guidelines and directions of human resources so as to meet organizational goals and

objectives. At the same time, the human resource manager should translate these strategic

human resources into various activities and operations including hiring, training and

compensating workers in the organization.

From another perspective, strategic human resource management identities strategies and

methods to directly and indirectly impact human resources to promote the growth of the

organization. In these situations, the human resource officer needs to implement a strategic

approach so as to develop and retaining workers so as to fulfill the requirement for the long-

term plans of the organization. This is a theoretical point of view.

However, from a practical point of view, it might be hard to implement these strategies so as to

meet the predetermined goals and objectives. In other words, it is easily said than done. This is

due to the fact that human resource managers or officer grapple with multiple issues and


factors which might affect the implementation of their strategies. Factors such as internal or

external factors pose an eminent threat toward the achievement of human resource

management goals and objective. In light of these difficulties, it is important to take into

consideration several steps and strategies to implement strategic human resource


1. It is critical to understand and develop a comprehensive understanding of the

organizational goals and objectives. These goals objectives should be short, medium and

long-term in nature. This provides a strong understanding of all the goals and objective

in different time frame so it is easier and simpler for the human resource to meet the

organizational target with the stipulated time.

2. Assess and evaluation the organizational human resource needs and capabilities. This

involves taking an inventory about the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

in human resources in the organizations. This provides an opportunity for the human

resource manager to capitalize on the strengths and opportunities. At the same time, it

provides a chance to improve on the existing weakness and possible threats of human

resources in the organization.

3. Compare the current human resource needs with the goals and objectives of the

organization. This is normally necessary to ensure that there are adequate human

resources to meet the predetermined goals and objectives for the organizations.

4. Estimate the future requirement of human resources in the organization. The

anticipation of an increment or a decrease of the human resource requirements will

provide an opportunity for adapting to the changing needs in the organization. It is

always imperative to forecast future requirements so proper plans can be established.

5. Identify the necessary tools and techniques require for the human resources to

complete their work so as to meet the predetermined goals and objectives of the

organization. This requires looking for all physical tools like equipment with adequate

knowledge and skills to execute their duties to the fullest. The human resource manager

should identify and provide these tools and techniques. At the same time, these tools

and techniques will ensure that employees are motivated to fulfill their duties and

responsibilities as required.

6. Implement the strategies created and developed in human resource management. It is

only through a careful and deliberate implementation of certain strategies which will

results to meet the organizations targets and expectation. This is a critical aspect of

strategic human resource management that should be emphasized in the organization.

7. Evaluate and compare the strategic human resource plan to the actual results of the

performance for human resource. This will assist to determine whether the

implementation is accordance to the plan or otherwise to take corrective actions.

Goals and


understanding of the organizational goals and objectives

HR Needs and


Assess and evaluation the organizational human resource needs and


Compare HR Needs

with Goals and


Compare the current human resource needs with the goals and

objectives of the organization.

Estimate HR Future


Estimate the future requirement of human resources in the


comparison with demand and supply of human resource in the


Identify HR Tools

and Techniques

Identify the necessary tools and techniques require for the human


HR Strategy


Implement the strategies created and developed in human resource


Involves recrutment, selection process, hiring and training of


Compare HR plan

and Actual Results

Evaluate and compare the strategic human resource plan to the actual

results of the performance for human resource.



NM limited is a private auditing firm with a headquarter in Arusha Tanzania. The firm started

from humble beginnings with 3 employees preparing financial statements for small business

which could not manage their finances for tax returns. Eventually, the firm has grew and they

have multiple offices located in Arusha, Mwanza, and Dar-es-salaam. In addition, the firm offers

multiple services including forensic auditing, accounting services and even financial risk

assessment in business organizations. In this situation, the firm has over 100 employees

working in different departments.

Due to the sudden growth of the firm, the company has been keeping paperwork for all human

resource activities of the business. This has created a back log of undone activities to a point

that it is impossible to keep track of all human resource activities in the business. However, the

firm has managed to maintain computerized accounting system so they can generate

appropriate financial statement to pay taxes to the Tanzania Revenue Authority.

Rafiki is a graduate with a bachelor degree in human resource management from a local

institution in Arusha. She has been tasked to fulfill the human resource duties and

responsibilities and provide all records for the department. This is one of the great challenges

which is the first order of business. She has no experience in human resource activities in

operations apart from the three month of experience as internship as partial fulfillment for

completing her studies at the university level.

At the same time, the management is not familiar and well acquainted with necessary

information and requirement in human resource management. This has lead to several legal

law suits against the firm. Furthermore, the firm has placed Rafiki in charge of managing the

legal law suits of human resource in collaboration with firm's legal team. In connection to this,

other employees are threatening to seek counsel from the other labor unions and local labor

authorities in efforts to secure their working rights and privileges.

After Rafiki initial consultation with management and employees, she realized that there is no

formal communication between the two parties for several months. The management is

reluctant to hold any meeting in efforts to suppress any resistance, complaints or grievances.

The following are questions to answer to solve this case study

1. In this scenario, what are the main problems of the firm as far as human resource

management is concerned.

2. What processes should Rafiki embark to set all human resource records in order?

3. What are your recommendations and suggestions to improve the human resource

operations in this firm?


The following are critical answers to critical questions asked in human resource management


Human resource management is the process of accomplishing organizational goals and

objectives through acquisition, training and development, retaining and proper

utilization of human resources.


Human resource management provides the necessary skills, tools and techniques to use

human resources to meet organizational goals and objectives. It is considered the

vehicle to achieve the predetermined goals and objectives. It would be impossible to

achieve the goals and objectives without the smooth operations of human resources in

the organization. For this reason, it considered imperative to manage the human

resources effectively and efficiently as well.


There are several processes in human resource management. The most important

processes include human resource planning, recruitment, training and development,

retention and maximization of human resource management.


Human resource process involves human resource planning, employee remuneration

and benefit administration, and performance management and employee relations.

These are among the critical process executed by a human resource officer or manager

in an organization.


Normally, there are multiple factors which affect human resource management. These

factors can be categorized as internal and external factors. Internal factors are all those

aspects which affect the human resource process and operations within the

organizations. This factors might be management and employees within the

organization. External factors are those aspects which affect the organizations caused

by external aspects such as political and economic environment of business.


There are several challenges which might be internal and external challenges which

hinder human resource management. Internal challenges are faced within the

organizations while external challenges are caused by factors beyond the control of the

organization. These challenges might be economic or political challenges.

  • Ndalahwa MUSA Masanja Ndalahwa MUSA Masanja
  • Elizabeth Kusekwa

The study examines the effects of job evaluation on employee performance at Northern Tanzania Union Conference. The research design of this study was be both descriptive and correlation. The targeted population of the study was employees working at the Headquarter of Northern Tanzania Union Conference (NTCU), North East Tanzania Conference (NETCO) and Central Tanzania Field (ETF) located in Babati, Manyara Region. Specifically, the study applied Pearson correlation coefficient to determine the relationship between the factors of job evaluation and employees performance at Northern Tanzania Union Conference. Most of the employees agreed or strongly agreed that the factors are applied in job evaluation at Northern Tanzania Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist church. At the same time the results further indicated that job evaluation affects employees performance especially Task, adaptive and contextual performance of employees in the organization. Finally for the relationship between the factors of job evaluation and employee performance, there were results which indicate that to some extent the factors associated with job evaluation have an influence on task, adaptive and contextual performance of employees at Northern Tanzania Union Conference. The study recommended that the Northern Tanzania union conference should invest financial resources to improve job evaluation in their organizations.

ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any references for this publication.

Fundamental Human Resource Management 7th Edition Chapter 2



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