Hmh Algebra 2 Interactive Student Edition Volume 1 2015

Mathematics Department


This course comprises the study of the properties and applications of common geometric figures in two and three dimensions. It includes the study of transformations and right triangle trigonometry. Reasoning skills, both inductive and deductive, are applied in problem solving situations with applications to the real world. The course also emphasizes writing proofs to solve (prove) properties of geometric figures. Topics in Euclidean geometry including definitions, postulates, and theorems will be discussed.

There will be an End-of-Course (EOC) State Exam in May which will count as 30% of the final grade.

TEXTBOOK: HMH Geometry : Interactive Student Edition,Volumes 1 and 2, 2015

Algebra II

Algebra II completes the formal studies of elementary functions introduced in Algebra I, and the processes studied in Geometry. The main goal of Algebra II  is for students to conceptualize, analyze, and identify relationships among functions. Topics of study include linear, quadratic, absolute value, piece-wise, radical, exponential, rational, logarithmic, and polynomial functions. Students will perform computations with rational expressions and exponents, complex numbers, and systems of equations and inequalities. Problem simulations are explored in multiple representations – algebraically, analytically, graphically, and numerically. Students will use technology such as graphing calculators to enhance their understanding of these functions.

This course emphasizes the use of algebraic skills to solve real world problems with meaningful connections to life experiences.

TEXTBOOK: HMH Algebra 2: Interactive Student Edition, Volumes 1 and 2, 2015

Trigonometry/Math Analysis

This course is broken down into two semesters as follows:   First Semester:  Trigonometry:  The study of right and oblique triangle trigonometry.  Students will learn topics in trigonometry including graphing trigonometric functions, verifying trigonometric identities, and solving equations involving trigonometric functions.   Second Semester: Math Analysis:  The study of polynomial functions, matrices, sequences and series, and probability.  This portion of the course emphasizes algebraic techniques that are the basis of advanced mathematics courses.

This course promotes the use of technology such as graphing utilities to deepen students' understanding of the concepts being presented.

TEXTBOOK: Algebra & Trig, by Larson, 10th Edition (Cengage Learning)


This course completes the formal study of the elementary functions studied in Algebra I and II. The main goal of Pre-Calculus is for students to gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental concepts and relationships of functions at a level which is designed to prepare them for the study of calculus.  Topics of study include quadratic, exponential, polynomial, rational, and piece-wise functions, as well as an extensive study of trigonometric functions, conic sections, sequences and series. Students will investigate and explore these mathematical ideas, develop multiple strategies for analyzing problems, and use graphing utilities to build

TEXTBOOK: PRECALCULUSby Blitzer, 6th Edition (Pearson Education)

Math for College Readiness

This course prepares students for an introductory mathematics course at the college level.  The topics covered include the study of the Real Number System, linear equations in one and two variables, function notation and operations, systems of linear equations, linear inequalities, exponential and polynomial functions, and rational and radical expressions.

TEXTBOOK: College Prep Algebra: Math for College Readiness, Larson, 2nd Edition (Cengage Learning)

AP Calculus AB

AP Calculus AB is roughly equivalent to a first semester college calculus course devoted to topics in differential and integral calculus. AP Calculus AB covers topics in these areas, including concepts and skills of limits, derivatives, definite integrals, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The course teaches students to approach calculus concepts and problems when they are represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally, and to make connections amongst these representations. Students learn how to use technology to help solve problems, experiment, interpret results, and support conclusions.

There will be an AP Calculus AB test administered in May.  Students who score a 3 or better may be eligible for college credit depending on which university they choose to attend.

TEXTBOOK: Calculus for the AP Course,Sullivan, M. and Miranda, K., 2nd edition (BFW)

AP Calculus BC

AP Calculus BC is roughly equivalent to both first and second semester college calculus courses.  It extends the content learned in AB to different types of equations and introduces sequences and series. AP Calculus BC covers topics in differential and integral calculus, expanding on concepts and skills of limits, derivatives, definite integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and series. The course teaches students to approach calculus concepts and problems when they are represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally, and to make connections amongst these representations. Students learn how to use technology to help solve problems, experiment, interpret results, and support conclusions.

There will be an AP Calculus BC test administered in May.  Students who score a 3 or better may be eligible for college credit depending on which university they choose to attend.

TEXTBOOK: Calculus for the AP Course,Sullivan, M. and Miranda, K., 2nd edition (BFW)

Statistics Honors

This course covers introductory concepts in statistics and probability. Students investigate topics such as data collection, data analysis,   statistical tools and graphical displays, as well as basic probability theory. There is a strong emphasis on real world applications and the use of technology such as graphing calculators and statistical software.    Students will examine how data analysis and the likelihood of events are used in decision making.

This course will help develop critical thinking skills as students are introduced to one of the fastest growing academic disciplines.

TEXTBOOK: Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World, Larson, R. and Farber, B., 7th edition (Pearson)

AP Statistics

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data.  Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes:  1 . Exploring Data: Describing patterns and departures from patterns.  2 . Sampling and Experimentation: Planning and conducting a study.  3 . Anticipating Patterns: Exploring random phenomena using probability and simulation.  4 . Statistical Inference: Estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses.

There will be an AP Statistics test administered in May.  Students who score a 3 or better may be eligible for college credit depending on which university they choose to attend.

TEXTBOOK: The practice of Statistics, Starnes, D.S., and Tabor J., 6th Edition (BFW)

Hmh Algebra 2 Interactive Student Edition Volume 1 2015



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