Give Me Liberty Volume 2 3rd Edition Chapter Summaries

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You and your team were a great help to those ...

You and your team were a great help to those students/individuals to strive more and share their knowledge and at the same time will have a part time income. I'll be sharing this with my friends!

Our Lady of Fatima University

I love that through Stuvia even as a ...

I love that through Stuvia even as a student, I can not only help my fellow mates, but can also make some money off of summaries that I work a lot making. It has helped me do better summaries and motivated me to keep doing them!

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

I only started using Stevia but I like it so ...

I only started using Stevia but I like it so far. It's only been a day since I posted my documents and I already had a sale. That's the fastest way I've made money in a while. :)

CUNY Lehman College

Stuvia is a perfect way to sell study guides and ...

Stuvia is a perfect way to sell study guides and other class supplements. If you have done well in your classes, and want others to succeed in college. Use stuvia as an outlet, and get paid at the same time! - Ansel Ponce Diama

Florida State University

This is a great platform to earn a little extra ...

This is a great platform to earn a little extra income on previously completed work and being able to help guide someone through what you have completed - and in return it is great to get help myself on certain courses! Very efficient site.


I think Stuvia is amazing! As a ...

I think Stuvia is amazing! As a summary-seller, I think Stuvia provides me with great incentives to make my summaries the best possible, and it's also a way to earn some extra money and survive the broke student life!

Universiteit Leiden

I think Stuvia is a great service to publish ...

I think Stuvia is a great service to publish resources to those needed for additional assistance. I found this website useful and it allows me to save some cash which is beneficial.

Staffordshire University (London)

Sooo happy with ...

Sooo happy with Stuvia!! It really helps me if i don't have any time to make a recap and earning a little bit extra with making recaps really helps studying!

Hogeschool Tio

Its the most amazing platform for a diverse ...

Its the most amazing platform for a diverse purpose of gaining study materials that ultimately make us rich in knowledge. i also love the fact that its a convenient and reliable way to sell my study materials. Thank you stuvia community

Liberty University

I think Stuvia is super useful, because you ...

I think Stuvia is super useful, because you study and make money at the same time! You even benefit from summaries you made a couple of years ago. Making money while doing nothing for it!


Thank you for the ...

Thank you for the email.... This shows that you have our best interests at heart and that you value us and our impact on this...its good to know the history of how you founded and how it has and will help students in the near future..

Cavendish University

I have been so happy with all areas of ...

I have been so happy with all areas of stuvia! Be it to get materials to study, or to post my own to make a bit of money as a student! It's such a great platform

University of South Africa (Unisa)

I love stuvia. It was fantastic motivation ...

I love stuvia. It was fantastic motivation for me to write high quality notes for myself, and i've been making nearly £200 sporadically over the past 3 yeears. I's fantastic. Motivation for the writers a d the writees


This service is great. I am very glad I am ...

This service is great. I am very glad I am able to contribute to the learnings of other students through my own educational materials. Cheers to you Stuvia!

Tilburg University

On stuvia you will find the most extensive lecture ...

On stuvia you will find the most extensive lecture summaries written by your fellow students and at the same time earn by sharing your documents.Thats AMAZING !

Minnesota State University, Mankato

Give Me Liberty Volume 2 3rd Edition Chapter Summaries



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